- Required
Please use U.S. alphanumeric characters only
- Required
Please use U.S. alphanumeric characters only
- Required
This will be the email you use to log in to the SRAR. Be sure to use an email address that does not belong to anyone else. If you have
both a personal email address and an email address assigned to you by your high school or secondary school, use your personal email address. If you only have an email address provided by your school and will not use any other
email address to apply to a college or university, use your school-assigned email address.
Email address is not valid.
- Required
Email addresses do not match.
Enter your email address in the 'user@domain.com' format. Note that you are required to use a unique email address that has not been used by anyone else.
Confirm your email address.
If you used a different email address on your college application than what you provided above, enter it here. For example, if you provided your personal email address above but used the email address
assigned to you by your high school or secondary school on your college application, enter that school-assigned email address here.
Email address is not valid.
* Student Type |
- Enter a valid 4-digit year between 1965 and 2032
Invalid Year
Tell us the year you expect to be graduating from High School.
If you need to change this later on, you can do so from the 'Enter School' screen.
- Required
- Required
Passwords are required to be between 8 and 20 characters and a mix of letters, numbers, and one or more of the following characters: !,@,#,?,$,%,*,=.
- Required
- Required
Passwords do not match.
Password does not meet minimum requirements.